“Smart & Creative Cities – Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects”

Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects



SCE Project Asia and VAA (Venice Architecture Association) are pleased to announce the public release of a paper-manifesto called Smart & Creative Cities – Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects, our contribution to the ongoing debates among thinkers and professionals on this topic.
Our research is not meant to respond to the COVID-19 emergency as we believe the present situation is only one of the nefarious consequences of the current economic, social, and in particular urban development models and, therefore, not the root of the issue.


"Smart & Creative Cities – Innovation & Sustainability Through Urban Regeneration Projects" 1


We don’t expect to provide miraculous solutions, as the problematics are extremely complex and articulated but, as architects, we strongly believe that only a wiser and worldwide shared planning policy can provide significant benefits to our society, with these imperatives: stopping the destruction of our Natural and Architectural heritage, halting land waste, starting to better use and transform the current building environment and implementing new technologies combined with the respect of local cultures.

We invite colleagues and thinkers from all over the world to join this Manifesto and give strength to it.
Please share this document as much as possible and feel free to give us your comments and suggestions.

Dr. Arch. Luigi Campanale – CEO SCE Projec ASIA
Prof. Arch Luigi Croce

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