BIM is a key tool for the control and optimization of the building’s life cycle, from the design phase to the construction phase and continuing beyond to the management and maintenance phase of the building, where the maximum benefits are realized in terms of the optimization of time and operating costs.

Starting from the design phase executed entirely in BIM, the coordination between the various specialists and the embedding of information and project criteria is guaranteed with the sharing of all the geometric, physical and performance characteristics of the construction elements. Quality control, consistency, and precision of the design documentation (spreadsheets, schedules, estimates, programming, etc.) are guaranteed with automatic data extraction from a single centralized database.

The virtual model is also used during construction by the Construction Manager and by the contractor to verify the completion of the work, the construction schedule, and to record any changes to the project that took place during construction.

The goal is to provide the Owner at the completion of the contract with a BIM model that corresponds exactly to what was built and includes the maintenance information.

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